Music novelty

A musical change point is a point in a song where the music changes in an exciting or dramatic way. Knowing these change points can allow us to, say, line up important moments in a story with exciting moments in music. For applications of music change points, see these papers:

radiotool.algorithms.novelty(song, k=64, wlen_ms=100, start=0, duration=None, nchangepoints=5, feature='rms')

Return points of high “novelty” in a song (e.g., significant musical transitions)

  • song (radiotool.composer.Song) – Song to analyze
  • k (int) – Width of comparison kernel (larger kernel finds coarser differences in music)
  • wlen_ms (int) – Analysis window length in milliseconds
  • start (float) – Where to start analysis within the song (in seconds)
  • duration (float) – How long of a chunk of the song to analyze (None analyzes the entire song after start)
  • nchangepoints (int) – How many novel change points to return
  • feature (“rms” or “mfcc” (will support “chroma” eventually)) – Music feature to use for novelty analysis

List of change points (in seconds)

Return type:

list of floats

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